Role of Yoga in Optimising Body Mass Index (BMI): Findings from Scientific Investigations


  • Sujana Bista Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, SVYASA University, Bangalore, India
  • Suman Bista Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, SVYASA University, Bangalore, India


BMI, Exercise, Overweight, Obesity, Meditation, Yoga


In adults, overweight is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 kg/ m2 and more, whereas obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 kg/ m2 and more. Obesity is becoming one of the major problems on individuals and health care systems in both developed and developing countries affecting all age groups and economic classes. Yoga is a combination of psychological, physical, and spiritual sciences which gives the holistic development of the human mind and body. Yoga is a traditional practice for achieving self-realisation and spiritual growth, but in recent years, significant attention is being given to the therapeutic effects of yoga. Yoga includes physical postures, breathing techniques, relaxation methods, meditation techniques etc. In present days, yoga is also linked to holistic mental and physical health. Yoga interventions appeared to be effective in optimising BMI and improving quality of life. Yoga practices reduce fat mass, and increase fat-free mass and basal metabolic rate. Yoga appeared to be more effective as compared to physical exercise in optimising BMI which may be because of various aspects of yoga other than the physical one: maintaining the postures, breath regulation, mindfulness, relaxation etc. The objective of this review is to understand the role of various yoga interventions in optimising BMI in human subjects.


