Editorial Team
- Minani Gurung- MBBS, MPH, One Health Research and Training Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
Advisory Board
- Ganesh Gurung- PhD, Nepal Institute of Development Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Bibek Rajbhandari- MBBS, MDGP, Emergency Department, Nepal Police Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Executive Editor
- Bikram Adhikari- MPH, Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- Archana Shrestha- PhD Epidemiology, Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- Biraj Man Karmacharya- PhD Epidemiology, Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- Amita Pradhan- Community Dentistry PhD Biostatistics, People's Dental College and Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Ashis Shrestha- MDGP, Department of Emergency, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur,Nepal
- Bikal Shrestha- MD, Department of Community Medicine,Shree Birendra Army Hospital,Kathmandu,Nepal
- Durga Sapkota- MN, YOSHAN, Kathmandu,Nepal
- Ela Singh- MBBS, MSc, Innovative foundation for Health and Research (IFHR),Kathmandu, Nepal
- Naveen Phuyal- MD, Department of Community Medicine, Shree Birendra Army Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Olita Shilpakar- DM Emergency MedicineDepartment of Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care, Grande International Hospital.
- Pawan Hamal- MD, Department of Anaesthesia, NAMS, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Prajita Mali- MPH, Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- Pramita Shrestha- MPH, Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- Hema Bhatt- MPH, Oxford Policy Management, Patan, Nepal
- Prasana Khatiwada- MBBS, MPH, NLR Nepal
- Radha Ranabhat- JF Institute of Health Sciences/LACHS
- Sujaya Rauniyar- MDS
- Tashi Lama- MBBS, District Hospital, Humla, Nepal
- Rajesh Khanal- Msc International Health
- Rolina Dhital- PhD Global Health, Health Action and Research
- Sneha Shrestha- MA, One Health and Research Training Center
- Ajit Karna- PhD, Abt Associates Inc. Nepal
International Editors
- Jemish Acharya- PhD, Department of Global Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok
- Abid Saeed- PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Mahidol University, Bangkok
- Yuichi Temma- MD,Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology Saku Central Hospital
- Sandra Moss- MA,Quorum Software Company
- Anju Vaidya- MBBS, MPH, PhD,University of Huddersfield
- Sudarshan Gurung- MBBS, MRCP, FRCPAth(haematology) Department of Pathology,King's College,London
- Suman Bista- PhD, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), India
- Sauharda Rai- PhD Center for Global Mental Health Equity, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, George Washington University, Washington DC
- Prashant Khatiwada - MBBS,MPH, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,Baltimore
Assistant Editors
- Lisasha Poudel- MPH, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandy, Nepal
- Bipin Yadav BPH, One Health Research and Training Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Aakriti Poudel- BPH, One Health Research and Training Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Pragya Bhattarai - BPH, One Health Research and Training Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
Editorial Support
- Arati Shilpakar- PhD Scholar, Head of Examination Department, Shepherd College
- Anurag Adhikari- Bsc, One Health Research and Training Center, Kathmandu, Nepal